Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Nothing New

Many of you have asked me if I am blogging anymore - yes when there is something new to blog about. I have been working a lot in the last two weeks (3 days a week) and staying busy. I actually only have to work 3 days this month so that is GREAT! William is growing so fast! I will post some updated pics soon. He is not crawling or moving yet. He has started saying MaMa but he doesn't know what that means. I am now playing tennis weekly and I love playing. I won my match this morning so I am very excited. And that is about it..... boring I know but at least you now realize why I haven't blogged. I promise - as soon as something new or exciting happens in my life - I will blog about it.


Anonymous said...

Ha!!! Now you're starting to experience the downside to blogging ... Pressure from your fans!

Anonymous said...

If you were me, you could talk about how you almost made a 109 point word on scrabble. But your not me so you can't.